Friday, December 01, 2017

What Goes Around Comes Around: A Brief History of Databases

DZone Database Zone
What Goes Around Comes Around: A Brief History of Databases
What Goes Around Comes Around: A Brief History of Databases

What Goes Around Comes Around is a fascinating paper about the (cyclical) history of data modeling. It was written by two database experts: Joseph Hellerstein, a computer science professor at UC Berkeley, and Michael Stonebraker, founder of Ingres and Postgres and winner of the 2014 Turing award.

This article came to my attention as the first paper discussed in Readings in Database Systems (or the "Red Book," also in part by Michael Stonebraker), linked to me by a co-worker at Grakn. The book has proven to be a very good reference point for tried-and-tested techniques and architectures in database management systems.

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