Monday, December 25, 2017

Rounding 'Em All Up: 2017 in Databases!

DZone Database Zone
Rounding 'Em All Up: 2017 in Databases!
Rounding 'Em All Up: 2017 in Databases!

Welcome back! In my last Database deep dive, we talked about database administration and all the things you need to know about it, such as what the future holds for DBAs and how to work Agile methodologies into your database administration practices. This time around, since we're wrapping up 2017, we'll be looking at some of the most popular database articles on DZone from this year, the top news that happened in the world of databases, and more. We'll also, as always, provide you with some more detailed resources and job information so that you can start your new year full of knowledge and start effectively hunting for that job that really makes you happy.

Happy Database Days on DZone

Check out some of the top Database Zone articles on DZone that were published in 2017. Here, you'll find everything from stories of switching databases to the pros and cons of normalization.

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