Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Cache vs. Session Store

DZone Database Zone
Cache vs. Session Store
Cache vs. Session Store

There's a saying: "In Silicon Valley, you can throw a rock in any direction and you'll probably hit a software engineer." The other day, I was traveling by train from San Jose to San Francisco when I overheard two software engineers comparing the speed of the products they were developing. When I heard one developer say, "Our app runs fast because we cache all the session data," I realized that even a Silicon Valley engineer may be unaware of the subtle differences between a cache and a session store. Redis, as an in-memory database, is used for both caching and session store scenarios. Let's look at how the use cases differ.


An application stores data in the cache to serve future requests faster. Typically, the cache storage is located in the RAM and has sub-millisecond latency.

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