Friday, December 08, 2017

Internal Temporary Tables in MySQL 5.7

DZone Database Zone
Internal Temporary Tables in MySQL 5.7
Internal Temporary Tables in MySQL 5.7

Recently, I was investigating an interesting case for a customer. We could see the regular spikes on a graph depicting "InnoDB rows inserted" metric (jumping from 1K/sec to 6K/sec); however, we were not able to correlate those spikes with other activity. The 

Other graphs (Com_*, Handler_*) did not show any spikes like that. I've examined the logs (we were not able to enable general log or change the threshold of the slow log), performance_schema, triggers, stored procedures, prepared statements and even reviewed the binary logs. However, I was not able to find any single write query that could have caused the spike to 6K rows inserted.

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