Friday, December 08, 2017

The Effect of Cardinality on Data Ingest (Part 1)

DZone Database Zone
The Effect of Cardinality on Data Ingest (Part 1)
The Effect of Cardinality on Data Ingest (Part 1)

In my role as a Sales Engineer here at InfluxData, I get to talk to a lot of clients about how they're using InfluxDB and the rest of the TICK Stack. We have a large number of very big clients using InfluxEnterprise for metrics collection, analysis, visualization, and alerting in their DevOps area, so we've done a lot of scale-out testing for these clients. In these tests, we see very linear scale-out as we add additional nodes to an InfluxEnterprise Cluster. I'll talk about this in my next blog post.

Over the last six months, I've seen more and more large manufacturers, energy companies, and utilities coming to us for collecting metrics from their IoT devices. Many times, they're working with consulting companies that specialize in building IoT solutions, and these companies bring InfluxDB into the solution because we're so well-suited for time series applications.

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