Monday, December 04, 2017

InfluxDB Internals 101 (Part 2)

DZone Database Zone
InfluxDB Internals 101 (Part 2)
InfluxDB Internals 101 (Part 2)

Part 1 of this series describes the InfluxDB write path: how the database persists and organizes data being written to the database. This part describes the other main interaction with the database: querying data once it has been persisted. Note that Part 1 also defines the InfluxDB jargon used in this post (tagset, fieldset, management, series), which will be helpful to new readers.

InfluxDB is queried using a SQL dialect called influxql. There is quite a bit of documentation for the language, as well as a guide to using influxql for different querying tasks. This post focuses on how the query engine works and not on the semantics of the language itself.

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