Friday, December 29, 2017

Apache Cassandra vs. Apache Ignite: Thoughts on Simplified Architecture

DZone Database Zone
Apache Cassandra vs. Apache Ignite: Thoughts on Simplified Architecture
Apache Cassandra vs. Apache Ignite: Thoughts on Simplified Architecture

Apache Cassandra has become an incredibly popular database for software architects and engineers. Many of us trust it for our applications’ data and, presently, there are thousands of deployments running this reputable NoSQL database. No doubt, Cassandra totally deserves its glory and reputation. The database simply has what it is expected of it: unlimited scalability and high-availability with fast write operations.

These two essential capabilities helped Cassandra rapidly rise in popularity by solving problems and use cases that relational databases could not tackle. The problems and use cases required horizontal scalability, high-availability, fault-tolerance, and 24/7 operability without downtime. Classic relational databases could not fulfill all of the requirements then — and cannot now (except perhaps for distributed relational databases such as Google Spanner or CockroachDB).

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