Friday, November 03, 2017

Majority Report: NoSQL and the Age of the Data Heist

DZone Database Zone
Majority Report: NoSQL and the Age of the Data Heist
Majority Report: NoSQL and the Age of the Data Heist

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It’s good to see a whole series of Philip K Dick’s short stories being dramatized for television. Electric Dreams is a multi-director anthology of short films celebrating the imagination of the Paranoiac-in-Chief. But for a writer who spent more time than most worrying about data, there is one data trick that neither he, nor Orwell, nor Huxley (not to mention Wells and Kafka before them) ever really entertained: data theft for purely criminal gain. Instead, all of them imagined data abuse in the hands of controlling elites, not outlaw, hole-in-the-wall geek gangs. Half-time score: 20th Century Paranoia – 0, The Future – 1. And it’s shaping up tobe a fascinating second half.

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