Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Why We Moved From NoSQL MongoDB to PostgreSQL

DZone Database Zone
Why We Moved From NoSQL MongoDB to PostgreSQL
Why We Moved From NoSQL MongoDB to PostgreSQL

A couple of years ago, we moved our code base to a monorepo, which helped us scale tremendously in terms of code reuse and overall speed of development. We are extremely proud of our ability to run a resilient service that has 99.99% availability with zero downtime upgrades.

From the beginning of this journey, I made a decision to go all-in on JavaScript as our default coding language. The most important reason for this was that I wanted to hire full-stack developers who could work on every aspect of the product, so we chose Angular.js for UI, Node.js for API, and a schema-less JSON database (NoSQL MongoDB). We made all technology decisions based on this one philosophy (another blog coming about what I learned and why I am no longer a fan of full-stack development) and it worked beautifully...for a while.

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