Tuesday, November 28, 2017

How Automatic Setup Works in RavenDB

DZone Database Zone
How Automatic Setup Works in RavenDB
How Automatic Setup Works in RavenDB

One of the coolest features in the RC2 release for RavenDB is the automatic setup — in particular, how we managed to get a completely automated, secured setup with a minimal amount of fuss on the user’s end.

You can watch the whole thing from start to finish — it takes about three minutes to go through the process (if you aren’t also explaining what you are doing) and you have a fully secured cluster talking to each other over secured TLS 1.2 channels. This was made harder because we are actually running with trusted certificates. This was a hard requirement because we use the RavenDB Studio to manage the server, and that is a web application hosted on RavenDB itself. As such, it is subject to all the usual rules of browser-based applications, including scary warnings and inability to act if the certificate isn’t valid and trusted.

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