Thursday, November 23, 2017

Indexing Best Practices

DZone Database Zone
Indexing Best Practices
Indexing Best Practices

Global secondary indexes in Couchbase can be created, updated, and deleted without impacting the reads and writes on the JSON documents in data nodes. This means that index inserts/updates/deletes happen asynchronously, and index workloads are isolated from the rest of the system.

Indexes are directly related to the N1QL queries that are run. N1QL and GSI tango together. Indexes are to be created with N1QL queries in mind, as indexes are meant to be steroids for queries, to reduce the query latency costs, and to increase throughput. Indexes also demand their own storage, but the risk of losing business due to slow/shoddy customer engagement experience is higher than the associated cost of having indexes. Also, indexes in most cases live outside the confines of an application, which helps in managing the lifecycle of indexes suitably.

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