Wednesday, November 22, 2017

HDFS vs. HBase

DZone Database Zone
HDFS vs. HBase
HDFS vs. HBase

The sudden increase in the volume of data from an order of gigabytes to zettabytes has created the need for a more organized file system for storing and processing data. The demand stemming from the data market has brought Hadoop into the limelight, making it one of biggest players in the industry. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) — the commonly known file system of Hadoop — and HBase — Hadoop’s database — are the most topical and advanced data storage and management systems available in the market.

What Are HDFS and HBase?

HDFS is fault-tolerant by design and supports rapid data transfers between nodes — even during system failures. HBase is a non-relational and open-source NoSQL database that runs on top of Hadoop. HBase falls under the CP type of the CAP (consistency, availability, and partition tolerance) theorem.

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