Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Creating TICKscript Templates for Kapacitor

DZone Database Zone
Creating TICKscript Templates for Kapacitor
Creating TICKscript Templates for Kapacitor

Kapacitor is an integral piece of the InfluxData platform. And in fact, as the platform continues to develop, we are looking to Kapacitor to do more and more in terms of data processing and workloads. At the core of these workloads are alerts and downsampling or aggregations. I am often asked by customers what the best way to create TICKscripts for these two types of workloads is. So, I thought I would take a moment here to provide you with some templates you can use as starting points for an alert and a downsample.


Alerts are at the core of what Kapacitor does and are the most common type of workload for Kapacitor in the wild. I'm going to let you in on a secret for creating great alert scripts: Use Chronograf to stub them out. Chronograf has the ability to visually create alerts.
In the image above, I have created an alert on CPU usage and set a threshold of 80%. When the alert triggers, I want to it make an HTTP POST. Pretty simple alert.

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