Thursday, November 09, 2017

Chronograf Dashboard Definitions

DZone Database Zone
Chronograf Dashboard Definitions
Chronograf Dashboard Definitions

If you have used Chronograf, you have seen how easy it is to create graphs and dashboards. And in fact, your colleagues have probably come over to your laptop to marvel at the awesomeness of your dashboards and asked you how they, too, can share in the awesomeness of your dashboard. But maybe your answer was, "Wow, I don't know how to share my awesome dashboard with you!" Well, worry no more. In this article, I am going to show you how to download your dashboard and how others can upload your dashboard to their instance of Chronograf.

In talking to customers, a common question I get is, What sort of things should we be looking at when monitoring our InfluxEnterprise cluster? Our fantastic support team probably hears that question more than they care to. So they have created a list of common queries that will help monitor and troubleshoot your cluster. I have listed those queries at the bottom of this article. In addition to the queries, it would be great to have a dashboard that was always running these queries.

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