Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Understanding Index Scans in Couchbase 5.0 N1QL Query

DZone Database Zone
Understanding Index Scans in Couchbase 5.0 N1QL Query
Understanding Index Scans in Couchbase 5.0 N1QL Query

Couchbase N1QL is a modern query processing engine designed to provide SQL for JSON on distributed data with a flexible data model. Modern databases are deployed on massive clusters. Using JSON provides a flexible data mode. N1QL supports enhanced SQL for JSON to make query processing easier.

Applications and database drivers submit the N1QL query to one of the available Query nodes on a cluster. The Query node analyzes the query, uses metadata on underlying objects to figure out the optimal execution plan, which it then executes. During execution, depending on the query, using applicable indexes, query node works with index and data nodes to retrieve and perform the planned operations. Because Couchbase is a modular clustered database, you scale out data, index, and query services to fit your performance and availability goals.

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