Wednesday, October 18, 2017

What Is Elasticsearch and How Can It Be Useful?

DZone Database Zone
What Is Elasticsearch and How Can It Be Useful?
What Is Elasticsearch and How Can It Be Useful?

Products that involve e-commerce and search engines with huge databases are facing issues such as product information retrieval taking too long. This leads to poor user experience and in turn turns off potential customers.

Lag in search is attributed to the relational database used for the product design, where the data is scattered among multiple tables — and the successful retrieval of meaningful user information requires fetching the data from these tables. The relational database works comparatively slow when it comes to huge data and fetching search results through database queries. Businesses nowadays are looking for alternatives where the data stored to promote quick retrieval. This can be achieved by adopting NoSQL rather than RDBMS for storing data. Elasticsearch (ES) is one such NoSQL distributed database. Elasticsearch relies on flexible data models to build and update visitor profiles to meet the demanding workloads and low latency required for real-time engagement.

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