APEX_JSON is a PL/SQL API included with Oracle Application Express (APEX) 5.0 that provides utilities for parsing and generating JSON. While APEX_JSON was primarily intended to be used by APEX developers, there are some hooks that can allow it to be used as a standalone PL/SQL package.
SolutionThe following solution uses APEX_JSON to create the JSON that represents a department in the HR schema. APEX_JSON basically writes JSON content to a buffer. By default, the buffer used is the HTP buffer in the database, as that's what APEX reads. But as you can see with line 27, it's possible to redirect the output to a CLOB buffer instead. Once we've redirected the output, we can make API calls to open/close objects and arrays and write values to them. When we're done writing out the JSON we can make a call to get_clob_output to get the JSON contents. I've highlighted some of the relevant lines...
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