Friday, October 13, 2017

Relational to JSON in Oracle Database

DZone Database Zone
Relational to JSON in Oracle Database
Relational to JSON in Oracle Database

More and more often these days, front-end developers want their data in JSON format. And why not? JSON is a simple data-interchange format that's lightweight and easy to use. Plus, many languages now provide a means of parsing and converting JSON data into native object types. However, not all data is best persisted in JSON format. For many applications, the relational model will be the best way to store data. But can't we have the best of both worlds? Of course!

There's no shortage of options when it comes generating JSON from relational data in Oracle Database. In this series, I'll introduce you to several options, from lower-level PL/SQL-based solutions to higher-level solutions that do more than just generate and parse JSON. Here's a list of the options I'll be covering:

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