Wednesday, October 04, 2017

RavenDB 4.0 Unsung Heroes: Indexing Related Data

DZone Database Zone
RavenDB 4.0 Unsung Heroes: Indexing Related Data
RavenDB 4.0 Unsung Heroes: Indexing Related Data

RavenDB is a nonrelational database, which means that you typically don't model documents as having strong relations. A core design principle for modeling documents is that they should be independent, isolated, and coherent — or more specifically:

Independent, meaning a document should have its own separate existence from any other documents. Isolated, meaning a document can change independently from other documents. Coherent, meaning a document should be legible on its own, without referencing other documents.

That said, even when following proper modeling procedures, there are still cases when you want to search a document by its relationship. For example, you might want to search for all the employees whose manage name is John, and you don't care if they're John Doe or John Smith.

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