Saturday, May 05, 2018

Self-Contained Deployments and Embedded RavenDB

DZone Database Zone
Self-Contained Deployments and Embedded RavenDB
Self-Contained Deployments and Embedded RavenDB

In previous versions of RavenDB, we offered a way to run RavenDB inside your process. Basically, you reference a NuGet package and are able to create a RavenDB instance that runs in your own process. That can simplify deployment concerns immensely and we have a bunch of customers who rely on this feature to just take their database engine with their application.

In 4.0, we don’t provide this ability OOTB. It didn’t make the cut for the release, even though we consider this a very important utility feature. We are now adding this in for the next release but in a somewhat different mode.

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