Wednesday, September 06, 2017

DBA Skills for Developers

DZone Database Zone
DBA Skills for Developers
DBA Skills for Developers

In many smaller companies or departments, there is no dedicated DBA. In these cases, it falls on someone in the office to get to grips with the blackbox that is the database server, keep it running and dive in when the things go wrong. The objective of this article is to give non-data-focused developers a quick roundup of useful information and knowledge that will enable them to both solve some routine issues that come up and also help prepare for some in advance. This is not intended to be a very indepth article, rather its a quick read over coffee break that should give the reader some useful starting points. I would be delighted if any more experienced DBAs out there would like to comment and help expand the list. This article focuses specifically on MS SQL Server but the concepts should be useful for most relational database systems. I also attach some scripts as a download that I use to gather information on a system that you may find useful.

Core Concerns

A lot of projects start small, and over time the complexity increases. What was a good decision to start in the original design of a database or system may now be sub-optimal. Rather than putting solid fixes in place, for the sake of speed of development and 'getting things out the door', it is not uncommon to code around issues without digging-deep to find the problem and solve it. The following few items will give the new Developer DBA a head start in getting and keeping on top of things.

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