Saturday, September 23, 2017

How to Run a MongoDB Replica Set on Kubernetes PetSet or StatefulSet

DZone Database Zone
How to Run a MongoDB Replica Set on Kubernetes PetSet or StatefulSet
How to Run a MongoDB Replica Set on Kubernetes PetSet or StatefulSet

Running and managing stateful applications or databases such as MongoDB, Redis, and MySQL with Docker containers is no simple task. Stateful applications must retain their data after a container has been shut down or migrated to a new node (for example, if during a failover or scaling operation, the container was shut down and re-created on a new host).

By default, Docker containers use their root disk as ephemeral storage, a chunk of disk space from the host filesystem that runs the container. This disk space can’t be shared with other processes nor can it be easily migrated to a new host. While you can save the changes made within the container using the “Docker commit” command (which creates a new Docker image that will include your modified data), it can’t be used as a de facto way to store content.

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