Thursday, September 28, 2017

The Story of Multi-Model Databases

DZone Database Zone
The Story of Multi-Model Databases
The Story of Multi-Model Databases

The world of databases has changed significantly in the last eight years or so. Do you remember the time when word database was equivalent to a relational database? Relational databases ruled this niche for more than forty years. And for a good reason. They have strong consistency, transactions, and expressiveness, they are a good integration tool, and so on.

But forty years is a long period of time. A number of things have changed during this time, especially in the technology world. Today, we can see that relational databases cannot satisfy every need of today's IT world. Having fixed database schema, static representation of data and impedance mismatch are just some of the obstacles that users of relational databases faced. That, in turn, gave space for a completely new branch of databases to develop NoSQL databases.

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