Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Biggest Challenges of Moving to NoSQL

DZone Database Zone
The Biggest Challenges of Moving to NoSQL
The Biggest Challenges of Moving to NoSQL

We are in the midst of a shift towards NoSQL data stores across the software world, especially in the web and mobile space. Many developers and enterprises are migrating or looking to do so, yet a great chasm exists between traditional SQL databases and NoSQL databases. What are the challenges facing developers moving from SQL to NoSQL?

Personally, I've experienced both worlds, having developed and maintained SQL and NoSQL apps and migrated several large apps to NoSQL. In this article, I pass that wisdom on to you, dear reader: pitfalls to avoid, riches to reap, new ways of thinking. My experience is primarily with RavenDB, a NoSQL database built on .NET Core, but the lessons here are general enough to apply to many NoSQL databases.

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