Monday, September 04, 2017

August in Database: Graph Theory, Async Modules, and Talking to Databases

DZone Database Zone
August in Database: Graph Theory, Async Modules, and Talking to Databases

Welcome to the third edition of This Month in Database! Can you believe we've already come this far?! If you missed out, you can check out June's update here and July's update here. This time around, we've got a whole new slew of fun stuff to talk about. We'll cover everything you need to know about databases from the past month, including the top database-related articles on DZone that you should check out, the top news that happened in the world of database, database jobs that you might be interested in, and more. Let's get started!

You Know We're All About Database (No Treble)

Build a Rotten Tomatoes Clone With GraphQL and Auth0 by Prosper Otemuyiwa. Rotten Tomatoes may be harsh in the way it rates movies, but building a clone of it doesn't have to be!

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