Friday, June 08, 2018

Using Domain-Specific Language to Manipulate NoSQL Databases in Java With Eclipse JNoSQL

DZone Database Zone
Using Domain-Specific Language to Manipulate NoSQL Databases in Java With Eclipse JNoSQL
Using Domain-Specific Language to Manipulate NoSQL Databases in Java With Eclipse JNoSQL

From Wikipedia, "A domain-specific language (DSL) is a computer language specialized to a particular application domain." The DSL has several books, and the most famous one from Martin Fowler says, "DSLs are small languages, focused on a particular aspect of a software system." That is often referred to as a fluent interface. In the NoSQL world, we have an issue, as the picture below shows. We have four different document NoSQL databases doing exactly the same thing, however, with different APIs. Does it make sense to have a standard do these habitual behaviors? In this article, we'll cover who does manipulation with Eclipse JNoSQL API.

Querying NoSQL Database Programmatically in Java

To manipulate any entity in all NoSQL types, there is a template interface. The template offers convenience operations to create, update, delete, and query for NoSQL databases and provides a mapping between your domain objects and JNoSQL. That looks like a template method to NoSQL databases, however, no heritage is necessary. There are DocumentTemplate, ColumnTemplate, GraphTemplate, and KeyValueTemplate.

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