Saturday, June 16, 2018

SQL Prompt Safety Net Features for Developers

DZone Database Zone
SQL Prompt Safety Net Features for Developers
SQL Prompt Safety Net Features for Developers

Occasionally, mistakes happen. You accidentally close an SSMS query tab without saving it before realizing it contained an essential bit of code. You're working late, switching between test and development servers, and accidentally execute code against the wrong server. SSMS conspires against you and crashes unexpectedly, and you lose all your currently open query tabs, some of which you hadn't saved.

We've all been there. I recall one such incident vividly. I was working at Redgate's offices, and a passing developer laughed at my howls of rage as SSMS crashed on me just when I had almost finished a particularly clever stored procedure. A short while later, a higher entity made it happen to him too, so after reflecting soberly for some time, he developed SQL Tab Magic, in a down-tools week project. It became a cult tool and eventually went mainstream as part of SQL Prompt.

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