Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Investigating Problems With Ad-Hoc Queries Using SQL Monitor

DZone Database Zone
Investigating Problems With Ad-Hoc Queries Using SQL Monitor
Investigating Problems With Ad-Hoc Queries Using SQL Monitor

There is nothing wrong with the principle of using ad-hoc queries; one can use them occasionally and perfectly legitimately. However, when ad-hoc queries run as part of a process that does database operations iteratively, row by agonizing row, they can be one of the most unremitting ways of sapping the performance of a SQL Server instance. You need a range of weapons to hunt down this sort of error problem.

Often, unfortunately, the ill-treatment occurs only intermittently and follows no distinct pattern of behavior. There will be a sudden, seemingly random burst of ad-hoc queries that put too much load on the server and cause resource contention.

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