Monday, March 05, 2018

How the Automation of a Benchmark Framework Keeps Pace With the Dev Cycle at InfluxData

DZone Database Zone
How the Automation of a Benchmark Framework Keeps Pace With the Dev Cycle at InfluxData
How the Automation of a Benchmark Framework Keeps Pace With the Dev Cycle at InfluxData

The team at InfluxData needed to review benchmark data on InfluxDB during their development cycle to ensure any new changes continue to improve performance. However, using the existing benchmarking framework, InfluxDB-comparison, was manual and time-consuming and not used consistently. To change this, InfluxData asked the team at Bonitoo to enhance the benchmark framework to easily incorporate new use cases, add new versions of the software quickly and easily and provide benchmark data on a cadence that works for the development (daily, weekly, monthly) cycle.

In this recorded webinar, the team from Bonitoo shares how they were able to accomplish this as well as build automation into the existing framework. In addition, they share the benchmark results generated from the framework that highlights how performant a time series database like InfluxDB is compared to the latest versions of products like MongoDB, Cassandra, Elasticsearch, and OpenTSDB.

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