Thursday, February 15, 2018

IFQL and the Future of InfluxData

DZone Database Zone
IFQL and the Future of InfluxData
IFQL and the Future of InfluxData

With the big news that came out recently about our Series C financing, I thought I should take some time to talk about what the future holds for the InfluxData platform and InfluxDB. For our CEO Evan Kaplan's perspective see here.

To understand the future direction, I should talk a little bit about the last five years of work and what we've learned in the process. In the beginning of the company I built a "time series API" with web services written in Scala using Cassandra as a backing data store and Redis as a caching and indexing layer. The initial version of this API was RESTful. About six months later, I implemented this as a single binary in Go using LevelDB as the underlying storage engine, but kept the same RESTful API with some key additions.

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