I’m reading MongoDB in Action right now. It is an interesting book and I wanted to learn more about the approach to using MongoDB, rather than just be familiar with the feature set and what it can do. But this post isn’t about the book. It is about something that I read, and as I was reading it, I couldn’t help but put down the book and actually think it through.
More specifically, I’m talking about this little guy. This is a small Ruby class that was presented in the book as part of an inventory management system. In particular, this piece of code is supposed to allow you to sell limited inventory items and ensure that you won’t sell stuff that you don’t have. The example is that if you have 10 rakes in the stores, you can only sell 10 rakes. The approach that is taken is quite nice, by simulating the notion of having a document per each of the rakes in the store and allowing users to place them in their cart. In this manner, you prevent the possibility of a selling more than you actually have.
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