Monday, April 09, 2018

Managing MongoDB Bulk Deletes and Inserts With Minimal Impact to Production Environments

DZone Database Zone
Managing MongoDB Bulk Deletes and Inserts With Minimal Impact to Production Environments
Managing MongoDB Bulk Deletes and Inserts With Minimal Impact to Production Environments

In this post, we’ll look at how to manage MongoDB bulk deletes and inserts with little impact on production traffic.

If you are like me, there is no end to the demands placed on you as a DBA. One of the biggest is when we want to load X% more data into the database, during peak traffic no less. I refer to this as MongoDB bulk deletes and inserts. As a DBA, my first reaction is, No, do this during off-peak hours. However, the business person in me says, What if this is due to clients loading a customer, product, or email list into the system for work during business hours? That puts it into another light, does it not?

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