Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Production Test Run: Overburdened and Underprovisioned

DZone Database Zone
Production Test Run: Overburdened and Underprovisioned
Production Test Run: Overburdened and Underprovisioned

We have been testing RavenDB in the harshest ways we can possibly envision — anything from simulating hardware failures to corrupting the network data to putting as much load as possible on the system. This is done as part of a long-running test suite that has been running for the last few months. We have been stepping up the kind of things that we are doing in an attempt to identify the weak points in RavenDB.

One of the interesting failure modes that we need to handle is what happens when the amount of work that is asked from the system exceeds the number of resources that are available to it. At this point, we want to start failing gracefully. What we don’t want to do is to have the entire system grind to a halt of the server crashing.

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