Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How to Create a Database for a Movie Database Application in 20 Minutes

DZone Database Zone
How to Create a Database for a Movie Database Application in 20 Minutes
How to Create a Database for a Movie Database Application in 20 Minutes

We are living in the 21st century — and people in the 21st century are consuming content online in video format. Online video consumption on a daily basis is reaching a new high. We should also take into consideration that a lot of companies and production houses have started their own movie database applications. The purpose of this article is to show you how to create a database for a movie database application in about 20 minutes using ASP.NET MVC (C#).

Overview of the Movie Database App

You should make use of the scaffolding features of Visual Studio 2008 and let it carry out the task of initial code generation, as well as content for our controllers, models, and views.

AWS DevDays Nordics - AI@Edge: Building Models in the Cloud and Deploying at the Edge

Data Videos
#Data -AWS DevDays Nordics - AI@Edge: Building Models in the Cloud and Deploying at the Edge

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

AWS DevDays Nordics - Deep Dive on ECS

Data Videos
#Data -AWS DevDays Nordics - Deep Dive on ECS

How to Import a CSV File Through the Command Line

DZone Database Zone
How to Import a CSV File Through the Command Line
How to Import a CSV File Through the Command Line

In this post, we are going to explore how to import a CSV file through the command line in dbForge Studio for MySQL.

You will not have to waste your valuable time on manually specifying properties each time you need to create a new MySQL table. With this option, you can forget about going through this process over and over again. Instead, you can import data by creating a template based on the CSV file fast and in a few clicks.

Production Test Run: Overburdened and Underprovisioned

DZone Database Zone
Production Test Run: Overburdened and Underprovisioned
Production Test Run: Overburdened and Underprovisioned

We have been testing RavenDB in the harshest ways we can possibly envision — anything from simulating hardware failures to corrupting the network data to putting as much load as possible on the system. This is done as part of a long-running test suite that has been running for the last few months. We have been stepping up the kind of things that we are doing in an attempt to identify the weak points in RavenDB.

One of the interesting failure modes that we need to handle is what happens when the amount of work that is asked from the system exceeds the number of resources that are available to it. At this point, we want to start failing gracefully. What we don’t want to do is to have the entire system grind to a halt of the server crashing.

Monday, January 29, 2018

What is AWS IoT?

Data Videos
#Data -What is AWS IoT?

Diving Into Database Performance

DZone Database Zone
Diving Into Database Performance
Diving Into Database Performance

Welcome to the first Database Deep Dive of 2018! In our last Database deep dive, we talked about database administration and all the things you need to know about it, such as what it takes to be a DBA, what's been going on in the world of database administration, and more. This time, we're going to talk about one of the most popular topics in the Database Zone: database performance. Get cozy and read on to get your dose of database performance knowledge from DZone and beyond.

Database Performance Perfection

Check out some of the top database performance-related articles on DZone to help you perfect the performance of your database. These articles cover a wide range of topics from the world of database performance, so hold on to your DBA hat!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

CSV Tooling for Migrating to Couchbase From Relational

DZone Database Zone
CSV Tooling for Migrating to Couchbase From Relational
CSV Tooling for Migrating to Couchbase From Relational

CSV (Comma-seperated values) is a file format that can be exported from a relational database (like Oracle or SQL Server). It can then be imported into Couchbase Server with the cbimport utility.

Note: cbimport comes with Couchbase Enterprise Edition. For Couchbase Community Edition, you can use the more limited cbtransfer tool or go with cbdocloader if JSON is an option.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Getting to Know Tarantool: An Outsider's View (Part 2)

DZone Database Zone
Getting to Know Tarantool: An Outsider's View (Part 2)
Getting to Know Tarantool: An Outsider's View (Part 2)

Editor's note: This is a continuation of Evgeniy Shadrin's introduction to Tarantool. The first part can be seen here, and you may need to refer back to it in order to understand the concepts presented in this part (although the main code example is duplicated further down here).

Tarantool can be run in two ways:

Friday, January 26, 2018

How a Major Australian University Brought Backup to the Cloud

Data Videos
#Data -How a Major Australian University Brought Backup to the Cloud

Asciidoc to Asciidoc: Exploding Includes

DZone Database Zone
Asciidoc to Asciidoc: Exploding Includes
Asciidoc to Asciidoc: Exploding Includes

One of my favorite features in AsciiDoc is the ability to include other files, but when using lots of includes, it becomes difficult to read the whole document unless you convert it to one of the supported backends.

I don't want to have to convert my code to one of these formats each time — I want to convert asciidoc to asciidoc!

JSON and PL/SQL 12.2: Get Values From JSON Documents With API

DZone Database Zone
JSON and PL/SQL 12.2: Get Values From JSON Documents With API
JSON and PL/SQL 12.2: Get Values From JSON Documents With API

With the release of Oracle Database 12c, Oracle SQL entered the Age of JSON. You can use SQL to join JSON data with relational data. You can extract content from within the JSON document and make it available for relational processes and tools. You can even query, right from within the database, JSON data that is stored outside Oracle Database in an external table. Check out my post on JSON resources for more guidance on all of the above.

And that was all possible in 12.1. In Oracle Database 12c Release 2, we added several pre-defined PL/SQL object types to perform fine-grained programmatic construction and manipulation of in-memory JSON data. I'll publish occasional posts on what you can do with these types. Here's the first one, showing you how to get the value for a specific key in a JSON document.

Condé Nast Italy: Genius on AWS

Data Videos
#Data -Condé Nast Italy: Genius on AWS

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What’s New with AWS – Week of January 15, 2018

Data Videos
#Data -What’s New with AWS – Week of January 15, 2018

Powering Spring Boot With Redis

DZone Database Zone
Powering Spring Boot With Redis
Powering Spring Boot With Redis

In this article, we will make a simple app and integrate it with Redis Database. Redis is an excellent open-source database that stores its data in RAM — meaning that if you want to store more data, you need to increase the amount of RAM for the system. It can also play the role of a cache system and a message broker, but we will only integrate the database integration in this post.

Setting Up the Project

To start setting up the project, we will add the required Maven dependencies in our project.

How to Integrate AWS Cloudformation with Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS)

Data Videos
#Data -How to Integrate AWS Cloudformation with Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS)

Getting to Know Tarantool: An Outsider's View (Part 1)

DZone Database Zone
Getting to Know Tarantool: An Outsider's View (Part 1)
Getting to Know Tarantool: An Outsider's View (Part 1)

Editor's note: This is a transcript of Evgeniy Shadrin’s talk at the HighLoad++ conference, which is the most important Internet/engineering/database conference in Russia. Although the talk was given in November 2015, it holds its own as one of the most all-encompassing introductions to Tarantool ever assembled.

If you’ve been following tech news for the last few years, you may have noticed that new NoSQL solutions are released almost every other week. Of course, very few of them establish themselves in the marketplace, as they are usually ousted by the competition or fade into oblivion. But it’s a fact that the NoSQL ecosystem is constantly being resupplied with new products.

Monday, January 22, 2018

The TCP Inversion Proposal

DZone Database Zone
The TCP Inversion Proposal
The TCP Inversion Proposal

imageA customer asked for an interesting feature. Given two servers that need to replicate data between themselves and the following network topology:

The Red DB is on the internal network, it is able to connect to the Gray DB. The Gray DB is on the DMZ, it is not able to connect to the Red DB.

They are set up (with RavenDB) to do replication to one another. With RavenDB, this is done by each server opening a TCP connection to the other and sending all the updates this way.

AWS KC Videos: How do I perform an in-place restore of my OpsWorks Chef Automate server?

Data Videos
#Data -AWS KC Videos: How do I perform an in-place restore of my OpsWorks Chef Automate server?

Sunday, January 21, 2018

What Is the Best Value for Your Fill Factor?

DZone Database Zone
What Is the Best Value for Your Fill Factor?
What Is the Best Value for Your Fill Factor?

The fill factor is directly related to indexing, and indexing is directly related to performance. So, for performance, your fill factor plays a very important role.

The fill factor determines the percent of each leaf-level page that will be filled with data. By default, it is 100 percent. That means all most all the space of an 8KB leaf-level page is filled with data.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

MySQL Metrics (Part 1): Throughput

DZone Database Zone
MySQL Metrics (Part 1): Throughput
MySQL Metrics (Part 1): Throughput

In a perfect world, this blog post is about MySQL metrics and monitoring throughput in MySQL. In reality, this post is about understanding data visualizations, querying appropriately, and failing constantly-as a byproduct, I'm also monitoring throughput in MySQL. Let's get started. (Note: If you're only interested in throughput and you don't care about my failures, skip the sections labeled Failure.)

There are lots of reasons you might want to monitor throughput-maybe you have slow load times, dropped connections, server crashes, or you're just curious. But before you have a problem, you can monitor throughput to gain insight into your traffic.

AWS re:Invent Launchpad 2017 - Amazon Transcribe

Data Videos
#Data -AWS re:Invent Launchpad 2017 - Amazon Transcribe

Friday, January 19, 2018

Easy Data Purge in Cassandra

DZone Database Zone
Easy Data Purge in Cassandra
Easy Data Purge in Cassandra

Data purging is key to ensuring that your database servers always have enough free space to store the ever-incoming humongous business data. The operational/transactional database needs to be rid of old data that is no longer necessary as per your business rules.

Cassandra being one of the most popular databases, it does offer a really simplistic approach to support your data purge needs — that is, an expiration time for each of the records that go inside. The technique is known as TTL (time to live).

Thursday, January 18, 2018

New Online Genomics Database Launched

DZone Database Zone
New Online Genomics Database Launched
New Online Genomics Database Launched

As the volume of genomic data grows, the challenge moves towards making sense of it. Iowa State University recently launched an online database that they hope will bring such data into sharper focus.

The work, which was documented in a recently published paper, allows researchers to rapidly access data on the RNA structures within a human genome. The database, which is freely available online, aims to give scientists access to the functions and structure of RNA at the touch of a button. The team hopes that the service will enhance the way treatments that target RNA are developed.

Icon map, Report Layouts and Power BI Developer update

Data Videos
#Data -Icon map, Report Layouts and Power BI Developer update

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

A Tarantool Project, Step-by-Step: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part 2)

DZone Database Zone
A Tarantool Project, Step-by-Step: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part 2)
A Tarantool Project, Step-by-Step: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (Part 2)

Welcome back to our The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly series! In Part 1 of this guide, we installed Tarantool and the other necessary components for our project, and also generated mock data. Now we’ll proceed with the actual program.

Writing the Program

First, we’ll need a simple request router, as it’s usually implemented in PHP:

AWS Case Study: Cookpad

Data Videos
#Data -AWS Case Study: Cookpad

How to Integrate AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) or (VSTS)

Data Videos
#Data -How to Integrate AWS Elastic Beanstalk with Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) or (VSTS)

Finding Code Smells Using SQL Prompt: Procedures That Lack Schema-Qualification

DZone Database Zone
Finding Code Smells Using SQL Prompt: Procedures That Lack Schema-Qualification
Finding Code Smells Using SQL Prompt: Procedures That Lack Schema-Qualification

SQL Prompt implements a static code analysis rule, PE001, which will check code automatically during development and testing work for occurrences of a stored procedure being called via the EXECUTE command without the schema being specified.

Even when you don't have to qualify the name of a stored procedure — that is, whenever the procedure is in your default schema — performance is slightly better if you specify the schema and it makes the code more intelligible to others, more consistent, and easier to refactor.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

CRUD Operations in IndexedDB Using JsStore

DZone Database Zone
CRUD Operations in IndexedDB Using JsStore
CRUD Operations in IndexedDB Using JsStore

IndexedDB is a database technology to store data in browsers. The problem is that it is too complex, even for simple cases, so most developers don't use it.

I was struggling with the same situation but I had to use it in one of my projects. I found an awesome library called JsStore that makes IndexedDB look like SQL and simpler than you can imagine. Then, I thought about efficiency and all. I researched a little and found that it executes the query in the web worker and handles everything for you.

AWS Public Sector APAC Team. Never a Dull Moment.

Data Videos
#Data -AWS Public Sector APAC Team. Never a Dull Moment.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Visualizing Your Time Series Data From InfluxDB With Rickshaw

DZone Database Zone
Visualizing Your Time Series Data From InfluxDB With Rickshaw
Visualizing Your Time Series Data From InfluxDB With Rickshaw

Recently, we took a look at visualizing our time series data from InfluxDB using the graphing library plotly.js (see post here), which offers over 20 different charting types. It packages everything neatly so that it is easy for users to reproduce graphs of their own style and choosing. Today, we'll take a look at pulling our data from InfluxDB and displaying it with the Rickshaw library, which, like plotly.js, is built on d3.js. The Rickshaw toolkit offers users the ability to create custom interactive time series graphs, giving users access to a broad array of styles and a score of different elements-renderers, legends, hovers, and range selectors-with which to construct their graphs.

Before we get started, of course, you'll need to ensure you have an instance of InfluxDB up and running on your local machine. Here's a great site to getting the TICK Stack all set up and doing things on your machine — the aptly named Getting Started guide on the InfluxData site supplies documentation that will walk you through installing and running all four packages of the stack. You can also try experimenting in sandbox mode.

Baby, You Can Drive Your Own Car: A Look at How Deep Learning Powered AWS’s Robocar Rally

Data Videos
#Data -Baby, You Can Drive Your Own Car: A Look at How Deep Learning Powered AWS’s Robocar Rally

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Using MemSQL Within the AWS Ecosystem

DZone Database Zone
Using MemSQL Within the AWS Ecosystem
Using MemSQL Within the AWS Ecosystem

The database market is large and filled with many solutions. In this post, we will take a look at what is happening within AWS, the overall data landscape, and how customers can benefit from using MemSQL within the AWS ecosystem.

Understanding the AWS Juggernaut

At AWS re:Invent in December 2017, AWS CEO Andy Jassy revealed that the business is at a revenue run rate of $18 billion, growing 42% per year. Those numbers are staggering and showcase the importance that Amazon Web Services now plays in the technology plans of nearly every major corporation.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

FTS With Facets in Couchbase NoSQL With Node.js [Video]

DZone Database Zone
FTS With Facets in Couchbase NoSQL With Node.js [Video]
FTS With Facets in Couchbase NoSQL With Node.js [Video]

Earlier this month, I wrote about using facets with Full Text Search (FTS), a subject that is often considered scary. In that tutorial, we configured an FTS index and a sample application with the premise of being able to do narrow searches against beer data provided within the Couchbase sample bucket.

Because of the usefulness of the subject, it made sense to convert this tutorial into a step by step video to clear up all loose ends.

AWS Security

Data Videos
#Data -AWS Security

Friday, January 12, 2018

Querying RDS MySQL DB With NodeJS Lambda Function

DZone Database Zone
Querying RDS MySQL DB With NodeJS Lambda Function
Querying RDS MySQL DB With NodeJS Lambda Function

Recently, I tried AWS lambda for the first time. My task was to query an RDS MySQL database. In this blog post, I will share my experience on that.

First Attempt: Using the Inline Code Editor

Since I was using NodeJS, the first thing was to figure out a good MySQL node package. I found this MySQL library thanks to Douglas Wilson, and it has good documentation, as well. Writing the code was simple.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Achieving Scalability With Key-Value Database in Java

DZone Database Zone
Achieving Scalability With Key-Value Database in Java
Achieving Scalability With Key-Value Database in Java

NoSQL databases are becoming more and more popular around the world, with new success cases becoming more and more frequent. While there are several kinds of NoSQL databases, this post will cover one in particular: key-value.

The key-value database is the simplest one; it has a structure that is key-based that looks like either a Dictionary or a Map in the Java world.

Power Query and a new Power BI Desktop update

Data Videos
#Data -Power Query and a new Power BI Desktop update

Download and Deploy a K12 Power BI Solution for schools

Data Videos
#Data -Download and Deploy a K12 Power BI Solution for schools

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

How to Fix Database Consistency and Integrity Issues

DZone Database Zone
How to Fix Database Consistency and Integrity Issues
How to Fix Database Consistency and Integrity Issues

Database protection and recovery is a vital role of database administrators. While working on SQL Server, sometimes users get stuck in annoying situations in which the database becomes inaccessible. After executing the DBCC CHECKDB command to check the problem, the user gets database consistency errors.

Many companies may have the budget to have a database recovery solutions in place to protect the system from various disasters.

SQL Server 2017 on Linux | Providing Industry leading security

Data Videos
#Data -SQL Server 2017 on Linux | Providing Industry leading security

Recovering an Exchange Database With Missing Log Files and Avoiding Dirty State Backup

DZone Database Zone
Recovering an Exchange Database With Missing Log Files and Avoiding Dirty State Backup
Recovering an Exchange Database With Missing Log Files and Avoiding Dirty State Backup

It has become an adopted theory that for recovering an Exchange database, log files should be available. In this article, we will discuss the importance of transaction log file availability and what can be done to recover an Exchange database when log files are missing.

Hypothetical situation: A backup of the Exchange database (EDB) file is available, but there are no transaction logs. How do we bring the database back to a functional state? Will the database be restored with all the changes made to it?

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

The On-Premises Data Gateway and Power BI - Revisited

Data Videos
#Data -The On-Premises Data Gateway and Power BI - Revisited

Creating a Microsoft Excel-Style Pivot Table With Grand Totals in SQL

DZone Database Zone
Creating a Microsoft Excel-Style Pivot Table With Grand Totals in SQL
Creating a Microsoft Excel-Style Pivot Table With Grand Totals in SQL

This answer to a beautiful Stack Overflow question I've given recently needs further explanation in a blog post. When working with Microsoft Excel, we can create beautiful and also very insightful pivot tables with grand totals. What are they? This is best explained visually.

Assuming you have this normalized form for your raw data. As in the question, it's an inventory table in a bike shop:

Monday, January 08, 2018

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on AWS

Data Videos
#Data -Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on AWS

The State of RavenDB

DZone Database Zone
The State of RavenDB
The State of RavenDB

A couple of weeks ago, we finished the development of RavenDB. All that remains from now is to get it actually out the door — and we take that very seriously.

To the right, you can see one of our servers, which has been running a longevity test for the two months in a production environment. We currently have a few teams doing nasty stuff to network and hardware to see how hostile they can make the environment and how RavenDB behaves under these conditions. For the past few days, if I had to go to the bathroom, I needed to watch out for random network cables strewn together all over the place as we create ad hoc networks and break them.

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Monitoring OpenWRT With Telegraf

DZone Database Zone
Monitoring OpenWRT With Telegraf
Monitoring OpenWRT With Telegraf

What's the most popular open-source router software in the world? OpenWRT, of course! It's the go-to firmware replacement for a huge number of routers both for home and business use. So, of course, you need to monitor it! Now, routers are, strictly speaking, an IoT device, but hey, it is a (relatively) small, embedded device that is ubiquitous and really deserves some attention. As it turns out, monitoring your WRT-enabled router with InfluxDB is so simple it's scary!

Built-In Monitoring

OpenWRT does have some basic built-in monitoring that you can look at, but it's only available on the web page served by the router. It's not, as far as I can tell, able to be aggregated across multiple devices, and it is, as I said, pretty basic.

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Moving from Monolith to Microservices with Amazon ECS

Data Videos
#Data -Moving from Monolith to Microservices with Amazon ECS

Using XDCR to Replicate NoSQL Data Between Couchbase Docker Containers [Video]

DZone Database Zone
Using XDCR to Replicate NoSQL Data Between Couchbase Docker Containers [Video]
Using XDCR to Replicate NoSQL Data Between Couchbase Docker Containers [Video]

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article outlining the steps for using cross-datacenter replication (XDCR) in Couchbase. This article described everything from cluster setup to replicating NoSQL documents that exist in one cluster to another cluster.

In case you're unfamiliar, XDCR is great for disaster recovery and data locality. To make things even better, it is incredibly simple to configure.

Friday, January 05, 2018

Using Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) to Store Container Images

Data Videos
#Data -Using Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR) to Store Container Images

The 5 Requirements for the Design of All Major RavenDB Features

DZone Database Zone
The 5 Requirements for the Design of All Major RavenDB Features
The 5 Requirements for the Design of All Major RavenDB Features

We started some (minor) design work for the next set of features for RavenDB (as we discussed in the roadmap), and a few interesting things came out of that — in particular, the concept of the five pillars any major feature need to stand on.

By major, I mean something that impacts the persistent state of the system as a whole. For example, attachments, cmpxchng, revisions, and conflicts are quite obvious in this manner, while a query is local and transient.

Thursday, January 04, 2018

Buzzfeed: 10 Steps to Using Amazon ECS, the Sixth will Blow Your Mind!

Data Videos
#Data -Buzzfeed: 10 Steps to Using Amazon ECS, the Sixth will Blow Your Mind!

Execution Plan Metrics and Units of Measure

DZone Database Zone
Execution Plan Metrics and Units of Measure
Execution Plan Metrics and Units of Measure

Have you ever looked at the properties of an execution plan and wondered what the units of measure were? I know I have. I also get the question pretty frequently about all sorts of properties. What does EstimatedAvailableMemoryGrant display its units in, anyway? For that matter, what the heck is an EstimatedAvailableMemoryGrant?

ShowPlan Schema and Units of Measure

The answer to those questions and a whole lot more is pretty easy to find. You just have to look at the ShowPlan Schema. Microsoft has all the schemas published, going back to 2005. The next time you're faced with a question such as, "What are the units of measure of the MemoryGrantInfo?"

Reducing Database Migration Risk With Feature Flags

DZone Database Zone
Reducing Database Migration Risk With Feature Flags
Reducing Database Migration Risk With Feature Flags

Almost every software developer out there loves a greenfield project. That's when life is fun because you're just building stuff without a lot of worries. You're making a thing.

It's only later, when you've deployed and the money starts rolling in, that it starts, slowly but surely, to become about something else. And I'm not talking simply about the field changing colors from green to brown. I'm talking about the enterprise-y concern of risk mitigation. I mean, wow. It even sounds boring.

WekaIO: Linear Performance and Scalability Are Just the Beginning

Data Videos
#Data -WekaIO: Linear Performance and Scalability Are Just the Beginning

Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Copying CouchDB Data Between Laptops

DZone Database Zone
Copying CouchDB Data Between Laptops
Copying CouchDB Data Between Laptops

I'm a regular and happy user of Apache CouchDB — so much so, in fact, that I'm writing a library to talk to it from PHP. While working on tweaking a feature, I realized that the laptop I use for development didn't have the right/enough data on it to test this particular thing — but that I did have a suitable database on my other laptop. Copying data between CouchDB installations is very easy because it has an HTTP API, but usually, when I do this, at least one endpoint is web-accessible. Enter one of my favorite tools: ngrok.

Ngrok allows me to make the CouchDB on one machine visible to the world (with all the security caveats that this entails — it's a random URL, so never leave the tunnel open longer than you need it, etc.) with a command like this:

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

AWS Knowledge Center Videos: How do I make sure the email I recieved is actually from Amazon?

Data Videos
#Data -AWS Knowledge Center Videos: How do I make sure the email I recieved is actually from Amazon?

MySQL Metrics That Matter

DZone Database Zone
MySQL Metrics That Matter
MySQL Metrics That Matter

Maybe you remember Blogger — not the actual business website that looks functional and designed — but my hobby project, the perfect combination of malfunctions and inefficiency that requires monitoring at all times. Blogger can't be trusted. See my first post on it here.

I also made it uglier by attempting to make it beautiful. Vanity, thy name is Blogger.

Monday, January 01, 2018

An Engineering Approach to Database Evaluations

DZone Database Zone
An Engineering Approach to Database Evaluations
An Engineering Approach to Database Evaluations

Whether you're the CTO of the Rebel Alliance or the of the Galactic Empire, it can be very difficult to decide on your next database technology with the distraction of both sides constantly being at war. In 2018, you'll need to make a database choice for an existing or new application. Here are the things you need to keep in mind as you shop for your next database.

1. The Right Language (SQL)

The history of SQL, or Structured Query Language, dates back to 1970, when E.F. Codd, then of IBM Research, published a seminal paper titled, "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks." Since then, SQL has remained the lingua franca of data processing, helping build the relational database market into a $36 billion behemoth.

Spinning Up a Neo4j Instance With APOC Installed

DZone Database Zone
Spinning Up a Neo4j Instance With APOC Installed
Spinning Up a Neo4j Instance With APOC Installed

One of the first things I do after installing Neo4j is installing the APOC library, but I find it’s a bit of a manual process when spinning up a server on AWS, so I wanted to simplify it a bit.

There’s already a Neo4j AMI that installs Neo4j 3.2.0 and my colleague Michael pointed out that we could download APOC into the correct folder by writing a script and sending it as UserData.

Fun With SQL: Functions in Postgres

DZone Database Zone Fun With SQL: Functions in Postgres In our previous  Fun with SQL  post on the  Citus Data  blog, we covered w...